Thursday, September 13, 2012

Protective Backing for Image Plates

I used scissors, multi-colored index cards,
double sided tape, & a box cutter.

I used an old magazine to protect the table top from
getting scratched or cut, I also used it to keep the image plate
from laying flat. (Its much harder to pick the image plate up with
the double sided tape when its laying flat as apposed to this way)
This photo is somewhat out of focus to show you that the image plate
is laying on the index card with left over tape around it.
(an index car can make 2 backings for a standard image plate)
After laying the image plate on the magazine,I proceeded to cut
around the index card as close as possible to the image plate.

It seemed easier to leave the circle intact,
rather than cutting each section out.

Cutting in the circular motion seemed
to make for a more crisp backing.

Looking good!
All done! WHEW! I had 4 sets of image plates that needed backings,
Mash dupes of Konad, Red Angel, Shany, & Fing'rs Flirt.
I bought the multi-colored pack of index cards
so I could make each set a different color.    =)

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